Tuesday, February 23, 2010

12 Second Commute, the last Marketing Tools Website You Will Ever Need

Hello all, and welcome to "Kenya Stallworth Recommends"! Here, I will keep an ongoing account of the websites that I will use to take myself from welfare to wealth! If you want to know exactly where I am on my journey, view my personal blog MyWelfare2Wealth to get the whole story!

Okay, on my first post I would like to recommend this site to anyone that is interested in promoting their business online, no matter what their business is or experience level. The name of the site is 12 Second Commute

Let me start off by saying this is unlike any site that I have ever been a part of! I found this site in late December of last year through a traffic exchange. I wasn't in the market for a new autoresponder at the time, but when I saw the tools that 12 Second Commute was offering, I figured a tour of their 30 day Free Trial couldn't hurt, especially since I didn't even need a credit card to sign up.

Once I got it it was unbelievable! They have a capture page creator that works by "What You See is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) editor, something my previous autoresponder service didn't offer. They also have a tracking link creator that surpasses everything I've seen except Google Analytics. These links don't just tell you the number of hits that you've gotten, but they actually tell you where the hits are coming from. But nothing floored me like the support available at 12 Second Commute.

The moderators at this site offer nightly conferences four days a week, covering topics like the 12 Second Commute system, Social Networking, Advertising and Marketing Online, and even SEO. These aren't the conferences like you hear about at other websites, where they attempt to upsell everyone who attends into something they don't need. No sales at all are mentioned at these conferences; just simple, generic information that can be applied to anything you want to promote online. I fell in love with the SEO and blogging conferences on Wednesday with Jim Roche. I learned so many things in two weeks that I had been trying to understand for years.

Finally, this website is totally about helping its community. Outside of the conferences, there is a Skype Chat room that all members get access to, where you can ask for help with whatever you are doing in marketing, day and night. There are always several individuals in the chat room, and all are willing to help you. Needless to say, I never made it to day 30 as a free member. It only took me about two weeks to decide that 12 Second Commute was the place for me to be, and I haven't regretted a day of my membership.

If you are looking to organize your marketing better, learn more about marketing and networking online, or would like to have all of your marketing tools in one place, then take a 30 Day Free look at 12 Second Commute! I can't guarantee you will make it the whole 30 days, but I can say this is one membership you will not regret!

Kenya S.
SkypeID: drknlvly6781


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